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5 reasons why compiling a daily food list is important

Have you ever experienced when you were in the market confused what to buy? Then when eating, it turns out that presented again, that again. Why did it happen like that? The reality that often happens to go to the market or to the vegetable seller without a plan, then shop only with the approximate or hungry eyes when vegetables are red, yellow, green before the eyes. What do you want to cook, just think later.

Some reasons why you need to prepare a daily menu for the family, namely:

The Importance of Fulfilling Nutrition for All Family Members
In one family nutritional needs can vary between children, fathers and mothers. Meeting the needs of food in an all-round easy condition like now is not a problem, but not necessarily that which is easily purchased will always be able to meet the nutritional needs of the family. By compiling a daily menu regularly, diversity can be planned for the fulfillment of nutritional needs.

Reduce Panic in the Morning
Morning is generally a very busy time, usually mothers shop early in the morning, then cook it. Daily menus that have been arranged, planned shopping, making cooking activities can be done calmly and not in a hurry. In the morning, it can be a quality and fun family time.

Shopping is more effective and efficient
If without the arrangement of the menu, Ladies can shop frantically because of hungry eyes or just spinning in the market without getting results. Finally, much time will be wasted. Conversely, if the Ladies have brought a shopping list, they can not only shop directly, even by sending a shopping message, they will come home.

Minimizing Wasted Materials after Spent
Without planning, shopping will cause the effect of hungry eyes, buy without knowing what to do. That makes a pile of food ingredients that are vulnerable to rot, wasted. From a survey the author has done, many food ingredients that ends up just displaying in the refrigerator and end up rotting.

Save on Shopping Money
Compile a daily menu on a weekly or monthly basis accompanied by knowledge of proper food storage. It has been proven by many families that compiling a menu can save expenses compared to cooking without a plan or buying food from a food stall or restaurant.

Ladies, now almost all mothers have jobs besides household so good planning of activities will help smooth all activities. Including eating matters which are the primary needs of each family.

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