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8 easy steps to overcome bad breath without brushing your teeth

Bad breath becomes something that feels disturbing and can cause discomfort, especially when interacting with others. The condition of the teeth and also the mouth that is not clean will usually be the main trigger for the onset of bad breath.

8 easy steps to overcome bad breath without brushing your teeth

In general, most people will immediately brush their teeth to get rid of bad breath. This is certainly not always easy to do, especially when you're outside the house and don't bring along a toothbrush. But if left unchecked, bad breath like this can only reduce self-confidence.

Actually, in addition to brushing your teeth, there are some easy steps that can be taken to overcome this bad breath, so that self-confidence can still be maintained properly.

The following are some easy steps you can take to deal with bad breath:

1. Chew minty gum

One of the easiest steps to get rid of bad breath is to chew gum. Choose gum with mint aroma which is proven to be able to overcome bad breath quickly.

But if you don't really like gum, other candies with mint aroma can also be an option. In addition to mint, there are many other flavor choices that are also effective in overcoming bad breath, such as: ginger candy, candy with anise aroma, and others.

2. Use mouthwash

Using mouthwash is another practical step that can be taken to overcome bad breath. In general, this mouthwash is present in the aroma of fresh mint. However, some other mouthwashes can also be found in the scent of antiseptics which are quite pungent.

Mouthwash will treat food scraps and also bacteria found in the mouth, so bad breath can be treated properly.

3. Consumption of fruits

Some types of fruit can also cope with bad breath well, such as apples that contain polyphenols which have been proven to kill bacteria and overcome the gas that smells quickly in the mouth.

In addition, fruits that contain vitamin C can also produce acids and prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth, such as oranges, strawberries, grapes, guava, and others. Consuming these fruits can help overcome bad breath that disturbs and healthful to the body.

4. Avoid foods that trigger bad breath

Some types of food can also trigger bad breath, especially if after consuming these foods do not immediately brush your teeth cleanly. The rest of these foods can leave distinctive and unpleasant odors in the mouth, such as: jengkol, petai, garlic, onions, and others. Avoid to consume these foods, so bad breath does not become a problem afterwards.

5. Drink enough water

The lack of saliva production in the mouth can also trigger bacterial growth and cause bad breath. This condition is even worse when the mouth is dry, because bacteria grow more fertile.

Avoid this problem by consuming enough water, at least 8 glasses per day. In addition to overcoming bad breath, this will also make the body more fit and healthy.

6. Clean the tongue

The tongue can also become a den of bacteria, if left in an unclean condition. The rest of the food that accumulates in the tongue area can make bacterial growth faster, so bad breath becomes unpleasant. Try to clean the tongue with a tongue scrubber and rinse afterwards, so that bad breath can be avoided easily.

7. Consumption of yogurt

The content of probiotics found in yogurt, will work well to reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. Hydrogen sulfide arises due to bacteria and gives rise to bad breath that is not fresh and feels distinctive. Eating yogurt will greatly help overcome this, because the growth of bacteria can be suppressed. Choose yogurt that has no taste (plain), so it does not contain much sugar.

8. Drink coffee

Caffeine can absorb odors well, including bad breath. The caffeine content in coffee will get rid of bad breath quickly, especially if you drink black coffee without added sugar or cream. But if you don't really like the taste of bitter black coffee, black coffee can be added with a little sugar.

Keep your mouth and teeth clean all the time
The growth of bacteria in the mouth can trigger bad breath. This will be even more disturbing, if you can not immediately brush your teeth. In an emergency condition, bad breath can be overcome in a practical and easy way. In addition, keep the condition of oral and dental hygiene, so that bad breath does not come disturbing.

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