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Which is healthier? Drink warm water vs. cold water

Water gives us life, and we all certainly know how delicious it is to drink water to take off your thirst. However, what kind of temperature water is best for health? Ancient medicine systems such as Ayurveda originating in India more than 3.00 years ago and Traditional Chinese medicine highlighted the importance of water temperature and its impact on the body. So, in other words, both have benefits, although this depends on a certain condition. Then, let's take a look at the various benefits below!

Benefits of drinking warm water

1. Helps smooth digestion
According to Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine, you have to drink a glass of warm water in the morning. This is because warm water can activate your digestive system, which certainly can help you to avoid indigestion. In addition, drinking warm water can also stimulate blood flow to the intestines and can help prevent constipation.

2. Remove toxins from the body
One of the benefits of drinking warm water is detoxification. Water helps rid the whole of impure substances in the body. In addition, the Doctor also suggests to add a little fresh lemon juice into warm water for better detoxification results. Lemons will stimulate digestion and remove toxins, while warm water does not require too much energy to assimilate. In addition, you can add other ingredients for the cleansing of toxins, such as honey, fresh mint, sliced cucumber, cinnamon, or sliced apples to keep your body hydrated and free from toxins.

3. Inhibiting Aging
Inhibiting aging is a tremendous benefit possessed by warm water. As already described, the warm water will remove toxins from the body, especially the toxins that can cause premature aging. Basically, it can also improve skin cells and improve skin elasticity.

4. Relieve nasal congestion
Not many people realize that warm water is very good for people who suffer from nasal congestion and cough with phlegm. It is caused by warm water that can act as a natural expectorant to help dilution of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

5. Blood circulation
In addition to detox, the subsequent benefits that are owned by warm water is to improve circulatory circulation. Drinking warm water can also remove the fat deposits in the nervous system.

6. Fight Pain
Because warm water can increase blood flow to the tissues of the body, then warm water can act very well as a natural aid to pain. Therefore, if you often experience joint pain or menstrual cramps, then you are strongly advised to drink warm water.

Benefits of drinking cold water

1. Hydrate your body after a workout
It is a fact to be known, that as long as we exercise, the body temperature will increase. To lower post-workout body temperature, you are strongly encouraged to drink cold water. Cold water will help your body to lower the core temperature of the body. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition found that participants who consumed cold water were able to keep their body's core temperature as much as 50% compared to the group drinking water with room temperature.

2. Lowering fever
Drinking cold water When you have a fever is one way to lower the body temperature. It is very important to keep the body fully hydrated during fever, as your body is working hard to resist the factors that cause fever. When you are overheating, drinking cold water can be the right help. You can also add some fresh lemon juice and salt to help you fill out the missing electrolyte.

3. Lose weight
Drinking cold water has been proven to increase metabolism and burn up to 70 calories per day. When a person who has a weight loss of 70 kg can burn 70 calories on foot for 15 minutes, then drinking cold water starts to sound like a very effective way to lose weight.

4. Fight Heat Strokes
Dr. Neha Sanwalka, a dietitian and dietician, said that drinking cold water during hot weather would be absorbed faster than warm water. When you return home from very hot weather or when you are experiencing heat strokes, you are obliged to drink cold water.

Which is better for health?
Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda do not recommend drinking cold water, because cold water can cause muscle contraction. On the other hand, drinking warm water can improve blood circulation while protecting internal organs from damage. This is why most health experts recommend to drink warm water. However, on a hot day, you can drink cold water to lower the body temperature.

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