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Don't Borrow This 8 Item Anymore

Reconsider that you often exchange clothes or make up with friends. Because, exchanging personal objects with other people is at risk of transmitting various diseases that may not have visible symptoms.

A study found an astonishing fact that a number of testers or makeup samples provided to be tried in large stores contained E.coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria. The bacteria that cause digestive disorders generally move from the hands of people who do not wash their hands after defecating, then touch the sample.

List of items that cannot be lent
Bacteria are always on the surface of the skin of the human body. Although not always dangerous, it can cause infection. In addition to the surface of the body, bacteria can also stick to clothing and some other objects.

To prevent transmission of bacteria, it is recommended not to lend or share the following items with others:

If clothes are not washed properly, germs can spread to other clothes that are washed together. It is important to change clothes every day and not lend to others. Especially certain clothes, such as underwear, tracksuits, and clothes for cooking, must be washed after being worn.

Towels used by more than one person can increase the risk of exchange of germs between people who use these towels. Always bring your own towel with you when traveling or exercising to prevent transmission of germs and bacteria from other people.

Tooth brush
Toothbrushes used by more than one person are at risk of increasing disease transmission due to bacterial or viral infections. One of them is hepatitis C, due to toothbrush exposure to blood which contains the hepatitis C virus. If you forget to bring a toothbrush while staying overnight, try to buy a new one instead of borrowing someone else's.

Skin peeling and bleeding is a common risk that may occur when someone shaves their hair, hair or beard. That is why the shaver risks spreading certain diseases, such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, if used interchangeably with others.

Nail clipper
Walking barefoot in a public bathroom can pose a risk of nail fungus. Similarly, by using nail clippers alternately with other people who are first exposed to fungus. This fungus generally breeds in humid and warm environments.

Ringworm on the scalp and head lice is a disorder that is often experienced by children around the age of 3-11 years. Ringworm and lice can easily spread and spread through a comb that is used interchangeably. Likewise with the use of helmets and hats that are used by more than one person.

Infection in the external ear canal can be caused by wearing unclean earphones or frequently using it interchangeably. If not treated promptly, this infection can spread and cause ear pain, even hearing loss.

Makeup tools
Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis, can be transmitted easily through make-up tools that are used interchangeably. Even simple-looking habits, such as borrowing and using a friend's lip gloss, can increase your risk of contracting herpes labialis.
You are advised to reduce or avoid using make-up testers, such as mascara and lipstick on the lips. If you often use professional makeup services, ask if they use disposable makeup or always wash their makeup after applying one person.

If it is difficult not to share makeup, at least a broom with alcohol and discard the top layer, for example on a lipstick that someone else has just used to reduce risk. For eye pencils, look before being used again to prevent transmission of bacteria.

Always try to avoid exchanging personal objects that involve direct contact with skin and mucosa (such as mouth and eyes), including bar soap and drinking glasses or bottles. Conversely, if your items have already been loaned to a friend, try to wash clean with warm water to kill any germs that may be present.

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