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Recognize the Dangerous Causes of Excess White Blood Cells

White blood cells do have an important role in fighting disease. Even so, excess white blood cells should also be aware, because this could be a sign of a serious disease.

Excess white blood cells or leukocytosis occur when there are more than 11,000 white blood cells or leukocytes in each microliter of blood. White blood cell counts can only be known through blood tests, and this condition is usually detected when carrying out a complete blood test to diagnose an illness.

Symptoms of excess white blood cells vary, depending on the disease that causes it. Patients whose blood test results show an increase in the number of white blood cells can come to the doctor with complaints of fever, prolonged cough, fatigue and tiredness, night sweats, easy bruising, frequent nosebleeds and gums often bleed, drastic weight loss, or even shortness of breath .

Disease Causes Excess White Blood Cells
Some examples of diseases that can cause an increase in white blood cells are:

1. Severe allergies
Increased white blood cell counts can be triggered by allergic reactions. That is why, people who are suffering from severe allergic reactions can experience an increase in the number of white blood cells.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis
Excess white blood cells can be triggered by rheumatoid arthritis. This condition not only causes an increase in white blood cells, but also causes pain, swelling, and redness in the affected joint area.

3. Leukemia
Excess white blood cells can be caused by leukemia. This condition causes the number of white blood cells to increase due to interference with cells in the bone marrow that function to produce blood cells.

4. Tuberculosis
Increased white blood cell production can also be triggered by tuberculosis, which is caused by the bacterium Mycobaterium tuberculosis. This disease is characterized by symptoms of prolonged cough (more than 3 weeks), phlegm, and sometimes bleeding.

5, Polistemia vera
Although triggering an increase in the production of red blood cells in excess, polycythemia vera can also cause white blood cell counts above normal. This condition is caused by abnormalities in the bone marrow and attacks men more often than women.

In addition to these diseases, an increase in the number of white blood cells can also be caused by a variety of other diseases, such as whooping cough, lymphoma, and lupus.

Because there are many conditions that can cause excess white blood cells, doctors will usually carry out further tests to make sure. After the cause is known, then the doctor can provide appropriate treatment.

Effects of Consuming Bubble Tea on Health

Bubble tea is one type of beverage that is currently popular. In fact, many people are willing to stand in line and wait long enough to enjoy this drink. Although delicious, often consume bubble tea good for health?

Bubble tea is a drink that originated from Taiwan and became popular since the 90s. This drink contains tea that can be added with fruit flavors, syrup, milk, and black bubbles placed at the bottom of the glass.

The bubble or boba found in this drink comes from tapioca pearls (a type of traditional food that looks like cendol). This bubble is processed by boiling it and mixing it with brown sugar, forming blackish balls that are sweet, soft, and chewy when chewed.

Nutrition for Bubble Tea
Bubble tea is a sweet drink that contains a lot of sugar. To this drink is often added syrup, milk, tea flavorings, and toppings, such as jelly and pudding, so the levels of sugar, fat, and calories contained in it tend to be high.

In addition, dried tapioca pearls which are the main component of this drink also have high calories, but lack of vitamins, protein, and fiber. When it has been made into bubble milk tea, 1 standard portion (about 475 ml) contains about 38 grams of sugar and 350-500 calories.

The total calories in 1 glass of bubble tea has exceeded the sugar intake limit recommended by the American Heart Association, which is 150 calories per day for adult men and 100 calories per day for adult women.

Impact of Consuming Excessive Bubble Tea
Excessive consumption of bubble tea or too often has various adverse effects on health, including:

Cause weight gain
Additional syrup and other sweeteners contained in bubble tea have a high calorie content, not to mention calories from fat in milk. All of that can increase body weight, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.

If bubble tea is consumed too often, it is not impossible that obesity can occur.

Increases the risk of certain diseases
Bubble tea that contains lots of fat can cause cholesterol buildup in the blood if consumed too often. This condition can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, high sugar levels in bubble tea also play a role in increasing the risk of insulin resistance, which can ultimately cause type 2 diabetes.

The sugar contained in bubble tea can also disrupt the process of removing uric acid from the body, thereby increasing the risk of developing gout.

Causing indigestion
The bubble contained in bubble tea comes from tapioca pearls. Tapioca pearls sometimes contain an additional substance called guar gum. Guar gum helps tapioca pearls to stick and expand when soaked in water.

If consumed too much, guar gum can cause digestive disorders, such as flatulence and abdominal pain or cramps. In very rare cases, guar gum is also said to block the airway and digestive tract.

In addition, the improper bubble making process also has the potential to cause poisoning. Tapioca pearls come from cassava which is evaporated and processed in such a way that it is in the form of flour which is ready to be formed into a pearl circle. Cassava contains toxic cyanide if it is not processed properly.

Even so, there have been no reports that state that consumption of bubble tea can cause cyanide poisoning.

Tips on Consuming Bubble Tea to Stay Healthy
In order not to adversely affect health, consumption of bubble tea must be limited. When buying bubble tea, choose the smallest glass size. In addition, ask the seller to reduce the amount of sugar, bubbles, and other toppings, such as jelly or pudding.

Bubble tea is one of the thirst relievers that might become your passion. But once again to remind, consumption of these drinks must be limited because it can cause adverse effects on health. In order to know the limits of consumption of bubble tea according to your health conditions, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.


What is characteristics and Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?

What is meant by anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is an unhealthy eating disorder characterized by having a body weight that is too low for the age and height of the person. People who suffer from this emotional disturbance experience extreme fear of gaining weight, even when they are already very thin.

They tried to manage their bodies again in various ways such as:

  • go on a strict diet.
  • excessive physical activity.
  • taking laxatives.
  • always spewing out food that was eaten intentionally.
  • How common is anorexia nervosa?
  • Anorexia nervosa is more common in women than men. Often this condition begins to occur during preadolescence, during adolescence, and early adulthood. This aberrant diet can cause extreme low weight and can be life threatening if not treated immediately. Always consult a doctor for more information.

Signs & Symptoms
What are the characteristics and symptoms of anorexia nervosa?
Common symptoms and characteristics of anorexia nervosa:

  • An extreme fear of gaining weight or being fat, even when you are thin
  • Deliberately spitting food
  • Take medicines that stimulate urination and bowel movements
  • Take various types of diet drugs
  • Do not eat or eat in very small amounts
  • Lots of exercise even when the weather is bad or sick and tired (excessive exercise)
  • Weigh up food sizes and count food calories

Anorexia can also cause psychological effects that make a person not behave as usual. They can talk a lot about weight and food, not eat in front of people, be moody and sad, or don't even want to socialize with friends. Anorexia sufferers can also experience physical and psychological disorders, such as:

  • Depression
  • No menstruation (amenorrhea)
  • Dehydration
  • Osteoporosis
  • Thin hair and easily fall out
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • In addition, there are still some characteristics and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have the same complaint, please consult your doctor.

When should I call the doctor?
If you have the characteristics or symptoms above, or have other questions, please consult a doctor. Anorexia can be very threatening to a person's life if he has reached a very thin body condition. Most people who experience anorexia will refuse the treatment given because they do not feel they have a problem. The best thing to do is provide support to them and make sure that they do have a problem and need medical treatment.

What causes anorexia nervosa?
The main cause of anorexia nervosa is still unknown. Various factors can include depression, and various other mental disorders, can cause a person to experience this deviant eating behavior. In addition, the environment and social media can also influence a person's perception of beauty standards, namely a very thin posture.

  • Risk factors
  • What increases my risk of contracting anorexia nervosa?
  • Some of the risk factors below can make you more likely to get anorexia nervosa, which are:

  • Family history. If you have a mother or sister who has anorexia, you can be very vulnerable to anorexia.
  • Low self-confidence. A person suffering from anorexia may dislike himself. They may really hate their appearance, or feel hopeless. They often set targets that are difficult to achieve for themselves in order to become or feel as perfect as they want.
  • Changes in life or experiences that create stress.
  • Traumatic events such as rape, as well as stressful experiences such as starting a new job can cause anorexia.
  • Social media influence. Pictures on TV, the internet, and print media often campaign for a thin body type to seem better. The photos indicate that being thin is a success and beauty.

Medicines & Medications
The information below is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor; always check with your professional doctor.

What are some examples of treatments that can be performed on people with anorexia nervosa?
The biggest challenge in dealing with someone with anorexia nervosa is to make them aware that they have a disorder. Many people with anorexia deny that they have an unhealthy diet. The sufferers who end up doing medical treatment are only those who are truly serious. Treatment for anorexia sufferers can be in the form of:

  • Conversation therapy is often done with young patients or someone who has just had anorexia for a while to encourage them to return to a healthy diet.
  • Perform special therapies called cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers can help some anorexia patients when given as part of a complete treatment program. These drugs can help deal with depression and anxiety.

What types of tests are used to diagnose anorexia nervosa?
The doctor makes a diagnosis from the patient's medical history (specifically regarding body weight and diet), physical examination, and laboratory tests to describe other conditions. There is no specific test made to find out anorexia. Extreme weight loss without physical illness, especially in young women, is often an important sign.

The doctor may ask:

  • How long have you been worried about your weight?
  • Do you exercise regularly?
  • Do you use a particular method of losing weight?
  • Have you ever vomited when you feel too full?
  • Has anyone ever said that you are too thin?
  • Do you often think about food?
  • Have you ever saved food to eat later?
  • Does anyone in your family also suffer from eating disorders?
  • If there is a possibility of anorexia, the doctor will ask you to do a series of additional tests, namely:

  • Albumin
  • Bone density test to check for thin bones (osteoporosis)
  • CBC
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • Electrolyte
  • Kidney function test
  • Liver function test
  • Amount of protein
  • Thyroid function test
  • Urinalysis

Home remedies
What are some forms of lifestyle changes or home remedies that can help me overcome anorexia nervosa?
The following are forms of a healthy lifestyle and home remedies that can help you deal with anorexia nervosa:

  • Reduce stress
  • Acknowledge that you have anorexia
  • Eat food that is prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist
  • Follow a counseling session
  • Take medicines as instructed
  • Buy clothes that fit your posture, not clothes that require you to lose weight first to wear them
  • Love yourself for who you are
  • If you have questions, please consult a professional doctor immediately to get the best medical solution.

8 easy steps to overcome bad breath without brushing your teeth

Bad breath becomes something that feels disturbing and can cause discomfort, especially when interacting with others. The condition of the teeth and also the mouth that is not clean will usually be the main trigger for the onset of bad breath.

8 easy steps to overcome bad breath without brushing your teeth

In general, most people will immediately brush their teeth to get rid of bad breath. This is certainly not always easy to do, especially when you're outside the house and don't bring along a toothbrush. But if left unchecked, bad breath like this can only reduce self-confidence.

Actually, in addition to brushing your teeth, there are some easy steps that can be taken to overcome this bad breath, so that self-confidence can still be maintained properly.

The following are some easy steps you can take to deal with bad breath:

1. Chew minty gum

One of the easiest steps to get rid of bad breath is to chew gum. Choose gum with mint aroma which is proven to be able to overcome bad breath quickly.

But if you don't really like gum, other candies with mint aroma can also be an option. In addition to mint, there are many other flavor choices that are also effective in overcoming bad breath, such as: ginger candy, candy with anise aroma, and others.

2. Use mouthwash

Using mouthwash is another practical step that can be taken to overcome bad breath. In general, this mouthwash is present in the aroma of fresh mint. However, some other mouthwashes can also be found in the scent of antiseptics which are quite pungent.

Mouthwash will treat food scraps and also bacteria found in the mouth, so bad breath can be treated properly.

3. Consumption of fruits

Some types of fruit can also cope with bad breath well, such as apples that contain polyphenols which have been proven to kill bacteria and overcome the gas that smells quickly in the mouth.

In addition, fruits that contain vitamin C can also produce acids and prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth, such as oranges, strawberries, grapes, guava, and others. Consuming these fruits can help overcome bad breath that disturbs and healthful to the body.

4. Avoid foods that trigger bad breath

Some types of food can also trigger bad breath, especially if after consuming these foods do not immediately brush your teeth cleanly. The rest of these foods can leave distinctive and unpleasant odors in the mouth, such as: jengkol, petai, garlic, onions, and others. Avoid to consume these foods, so bad breath does not become a problem afterwards.

5. Drink enough water

The lack of saliva production in the mouth can also trigger bacterial growth and cause bad breath. This condition is even worse when the mouth is dry, because bacteria grow more fertile.

Avoid this problem by consuming enough water, at least 8 glasses per day. In addition to overcoming bad breath, this will also make the body more fit and healthy.

6. Clean the tongue

The tongue can also become a den of bacteria, if left in an unclean condition. The rest of the food that accumulates in the tongue area can make bacterial growth faster, so bad breath becomes unpleasant. Try to clean the tongue with a tongue scrubber and rinse afterwards, so that bad breath can be avoided easily.

7. Consumption of yogurt

The content of probiotics found in yogurt, will work well to reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. Hydrogen sulfide arises due to bacteria and gives rise to bad breath that is not fresh and feels distinctive. Eating yogurt will greatly help overcome this, because the growth of bacteria can be suppressed. Choose yogurt that has no taste (plain), so it does not contain much sugar.

8. Drink coffee

Caffeine can absorb odors well, including bad breath. The caffeine content in coffee will get rid of bad breath quickly, especially if you drink black coffee without added sugar or cream. But if you don't really like the taste of bitter black coffee, black coffee can be added with a little sugar.

Keep your mouth and teeth clean all the time
The growth of bacteria in the mouth can trigger bad breath. This will be even more disturbing, if you can not immediately brush your teeth. In an emergency condition, bad breath can be overcome in a practical and easy way. In addition, keep the condition of oral and dental hygiene, so that bad breath does not come disturbing.

Do not panic! If Knee Injury, Do This Let It Get Well Quickly

Have you ever felt a knee injury during an activity, whether it's a minor injury or a serious injury, of course it is very uncomfortable right? Even you will find it difficult to move back, because of the aches and pains that arise.

Usually this knee injury will occur, when the activity is very heavy. For example, lifting weights or when doing strenuous sports such as Anterior Cruiciate Ligament or called ACL. Generally this knee injury always occurs in the ligament, hard bone, and cartilage. If ignored for a long time, it is likely to cause serious problems later on.

If you, relatives, friends or others have a knee injury, don't panic.

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Impact of Knee Injury

A knee injury will immediately show its effect after only a few minutes. The injured knee will start to swell, ache, and turn red in the injured area. The existence of such conditions is the effect of tissue or nerve tissue that is pinched, the cracking or displacement of bone from its place of origin, or it could be due to tearing of the veins in the knee. All this you can know after doing a doctor's examination.

The most common consequences of knee injuries include numbness or numbness in the legs, feeling cold, weak, red, tingling, and pale in the lower legs. Some even feel numb and hot. Therefore, avoid doing heavy activities that rely on the knee. A sudden impact can also cause an acute knee injury.

Doing exercise without caution can also worsen your situation. If you exercise you should use a knee protector or decker so that the knee is safe.

There are several types of knee injuries that are most commonly experienced by people, including sprains, tension in the knee muscles, bursitis, dislocation or displacement of the kneecap and pulse, meniscus damage, and also knee fractures.

Action if mild knee injury

If you already have a minor knee injury, you should immediately do the following actions, including:

  1. Stop all activities even if only light activities such as walking slowly. This will still worsen the knee injury.
  2. It is better to immediately compress using ice water for about 15 minutes every two hours. This aims to reduce the pain and swelling that occurs around the injured area. And stop internal bleeding that may occur.
  3. If there are open wounds, immediately clean and bandage well. So that germs and bacteria can not enter the wound.
  4. Avoid applying compresses or warm water to the injured part. This will make the bleeding worse. Balm or other hot cream is also not recommended in dealing with knee injuries.
  5. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages until the knee injury heals completely. This can cause serious swelling and bleeding.
  6. Avoid doing massage, especially in the injured knee. Massage will only make the knee injury worse because it can cause bleeding.
  7. It is better to lie down and rest without doing any activity which will reduce the pain due to the injured joint.
  8. Immediately see a doctor if knee pain appears more and more excessively.

Action if severe knee injury

If a knee injury is a severe or severe knee injury, you may need to undergo several treatments such as the following:

1. Arthroscopic Surgery

This surgery is given to those of you who have suffered cartilage injuries. As with other surgeries, the doctor will make a small incision in the knee, then insert several surgical instruments through the incision. No need to worry because during the operation process, you will be given an anesthetic so that you will not feel pain.

2. Open Operation

This operation is for a knee injury that is severe enough, so the doctor needs to open the injured area thoroughly. This is done so that knee repair can be more optimal. For example, like a broken knee due to a heavy object hit, there was an accident and others.

3. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is usually done after the surgery and toward the healing period. This therapy is usually done every day with the aim of improving the ability of the knee in walking and reducing pain little by little due to the injury.

4. Disposal of Liquids

If the knee injury has a fairly severe swelling or there is fluid in it, you must remove the fluid immediately. Usually the doctor will use a needle large enough to suck up the liquid. After the fluid is released, you will feel more comfortable because the knee can be moved again after passing through the healing period.

Recognize the cause and take appropriate action
Underestimating the variety of activities will certainly only cause injury to the body due to lack of caution, for example on the knees. Therefore, it is highly recommended, for anyone both children to adults should do every activity carefully. Always pay attention to safety, using knee and elbow protectors when riding a bicycle and doing light but routine or strenuous exercise. If you have already suffered a knee injury then immediately identify the cause and take appropriate medical measures to reduce pain until complete recovery.

5 reasons why compiling a daily food list is important

Have you ever experienced when you were in the market confused what to buy? Then when eating, it turns out that presented again, that again. Why did it happen like that? The reality that often happens to go to the market or to the vegetable seller without a plan, then shop only with the approximate or hungry eyes when vegetables are red, yellow, green before the eyes. What do you want to cook, just think later.

Some reasons why you need to prepare a daily menu for the family, namely:

The Importance of Fulfilling Nutrition for All Family Members
In one family nutritional needs can vary between children, fathers and mothers. Meeting the needs of food in an all-round easy condition like now is not a problem, but not necessarily that which is easily purchased will always be able to meet the nutritional needs of the family. By compiling a daily menu regularly, diversity can be planned for the fulfillment of nutritional needs.

Reduce Panic in the Morning
Morning is generally a very busy time, usually mothers shop early in the morning, then cook it. Daily menus that have been arranged, planned shopping, making cooking activities can be done calmly and not in a hurry. In the morning, it can be a quality and fun family time.

Shopping is more effective and efficient
If without the arrangement of the menu, Ladies can shop frantically because of hungry eyes or just spinning in the market without getting results. Finally, much time will be wasted. Conversely, if the Ladies have brought a shopping list, they can not only shop directly, even by sending a shopping message, they will come home.

Minimizing Wasted Materials after Spent
Without planning, shopping will cause the effect of hungry eyes, buy without knowing what to do. That makes a pile of food ingredients that are vulnerable to rot, wasted. From a survey the author has done, many food ingredients that ends up just displaying in the refrigerator and end up rotting.

Save on Shopping Money
Compile a daily menu on a weekly or monthly basis accompanied by knowledge of proper food storage. It has been proven by many families that compiling a menu can save expenses compared to cooking without a plan or buying food from a food stall or restaurant.

Ladies, now almost all mothers have jobs besides household so good planning of activities will help smooth all activities. Including eating matters which are the primary needs of each family.

The Pore Minimizers And Treatments You Need to Try

Pores: Can’t live with 'em, literally can’t live without ‘em. Even though I curse their existence, I understand they have an important role in keeping my skin naturally lubricated and moisturized blah blah blah—but am I so wrong in wishing that they could do their thing a little more discreetly? Am I stuck with these large pores forever?! I turned to dermatologist Shari Marchbein MD, to find out which pore minimizers work and if it’s even possible to achieve my dream of having small pores. “Pores are the visible opening of the hair follicle and it's connected oil gland, and their size is genetically determined,” says Dr. Marchbein. Their size is wholly determined by genetics, but they can look larger if the collagen around them weakens (from, say, age, sun exposure, or skin trauma) or if they become clogged (hi, blackheads) with dirt, oil, and bacteria.

And although you can't actually get rid of your pores (remember, you can't live without them) or permanently change their size (you'd need a new set of DNA for that), you can minimize their appearance to a degree with certain at-home products and in-office procedures. Keeping scrolling for 11 best ways to make your pores appear smaller as well as the best pore-minimizing products and treatments to try.

 How to Get Small Pores : 

 #1: Exfoliate Regularly 

 Exfoliating can help remove pore-clogging dead cells and excess oil from the skin’s surface. Look for a toner, serum, peel, or mask containing chemical exfoliants (they're gentler than scrubs), with AHAs (like glycolic, lactic, or mandelic acid) or BHAs like salicylic acid. But here's the catch: because your pores will eventually fill back up with dead skin cells, you've got to use your exfoliator of choice on a regular basis for the best pore minimizing results. "People with oily or combination skin can typically exfoliate up to three times weekly, where those with sensitive skin should aim for once weekly," says Dr. Marchbein.

 #2: Use a Retinoid 

 when collagen weakens, so does the lining of your pores which ends up making them look annoyingly large. So to stimulate collagen production and strengthen the walls of the pores, Dr. Marchbein suggests using a retinoid serum or cream in your skincare routine. You can either get an Rx one from your derm (like Tretinoin, Tazorac, and Retin-A Micro) or trying an over-the-counter retinoid like Differin. But be warned: retinoids are pretty potent, so use them sparingly at first, increasing your frequency as your skin builds up tolerance.

 #3: Mask Weekly 

 Dr. Marchbein says that clay and charcoal masks help to draw out impurities, bacteria, and oil—basically all the stuff that clogs pores and expands their size. Just like exfoliation, the effects of masking are only temporary though, so these treatments need to be repeated at least weekly to maintain results. 

#4: Try An In-Office Exfoliating Treatment 

 HydraFacials and standard microdermabrasion—two non-aggressive, in-office treatments done by dermatologists—can temporarily improve the appearance of pores by mechanically exfoliating away the top layers of the skin. "They also allow for deeper delivery of active ingredients, like glycolic and salicylic acid, post-treatment which can further contribute to glowing skin, a reduction in hyperpigmentation, and the appearance of smaller pores," Dr.Marchbein says.

 #5: Wash Your Face Post-Workout 

 Your pores are surrounded by blood vessels and can dilate with heat and sweating, and therefore become more open and visible, says Dr. Marchbein. This makes it especially important to wash your face both before and after exercising so that makeup, dirt, and bacteria don't get trapped inside your dilated pores. There is an upside though: Once you've washed the loosened debris and oil from your face, your open pores will allow for slightly deeper delivery of the topical medications and skincare products you apply afterward.

 #6: Try Microneedling 

 Microneedling is a treatment that involves rolling or pressing multiple tiny needles set to a specific depth over the skin. These needles create superficial wounds that stimulate collagen as the skin heals. And what did we learn about stimulating collagen? Yup, improved pore size and appearance. A word of advice though: for the best results (and safest experience), only go to a certified derm for your microneedling treatment (that means no Groupon's or DIY devices).

 #7: Prep with a Primer 

 Makeup has a way of settling into your pores and creases and making them hella visible. The fix? A silicone makeup primer. These velvety gel-like products work by filling in your large pores so that you can lay your foundation smoothly on top. Of course, this isn't a long-term fix, but if your main concern is how your pores affect your makeup, a good primer is all you really need.

#8: Try a Laser Treatment 

 Marchbein's favorite laser to improve the appearance of pores is the Clear and Brilliant fractionated laser, which stimulates collagen, improves skin texture and discoloration, and you guessed it, minimizes pore size too. The downtime is minimal (usually a day or two of mild redness) and you'll need to do four to six treatment space six weeks apart for the best results. If you want more dramatic results with fewer treatments, you can try Fraxel—but be warned, the downtime is a solid week of looking like you got a serious sunburn.

 #9: Wear Sunscreen, Always 

 Dr. Marchbein says exposure to UV light can break down and damage collagen in the skin, including the collagen that surrounds the walls of pores. In other words, UV exposure can lead to larger pores—another reason why daily use of sunscreen with a broad spectrum SPF 30 or above is a necessary step in your skincare routine every single day.

 #10: Consider Fillers 

 Fun fact: Studies show that fillers can stimulate collagen production and reduce the size of pores. "By injecting hyaluronic acid fillers somewhat frequently, you can gradually build collagen, leading to better structural support for the walls of the pores, and ultimately giving them a smaller appearance," Marchbein says. And since we're on the topic of injections…

 #11: Get "Micro" Botox 

 Micro-Botox is a microneedling technique where dilute amounts of neurotoxin are introduced superficially into the skin. This doesn’t affect muscle movement they way injecting Botox would, but it does decrease sweat and oil produced by glands in the skin. The result? Smaller-looking pores and less oiliness. And if you're into it, you could even get a combo of filler and Botox to reap the benefits of both. Dr. Marchbein says some pro microneedling devices, like Aquagold, can can “stamp” a combo of Botox and fillers superficially into the skin to improve texture and pores. Pretty cool, huh?

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Don't Borrow This 8 Item Anymore

Reconsider that you often exchange clothes or make up with friends. Because, exchanging personal objects with other people is at risk of transmitting various diseases that may not have visible symptoms.

A study found an astonishing fact that a number of testers or makeup samples provided to be tried in large stores contained E.coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria. The bacteria that cause digestive disorders generally move from the hands of people who do not wash their hands after defecating, then touch the sample.

List of items that cannot be lent
Bacteria are always on the surface of the skin of the human body. Although not always dangerous, it can cause infection. In addition to the surface of the body, bacteria can also stick to clothing and some other objects.

To prevent transmission of bacteria, it is recommended not to lend or share the following items with others:

If clothes are not washed properly, germs can spread to other clothes that are washed together. It is important to change clothes every day and not lend to others. Especially certain clothes, such as underwear, tracksuits, and clothes for cooking, must be washed after being worn.

Towels used by more than one person can increase the risk of exchange of germs between people who use these towels. Always bring your own towel with you when traveling or exercising to prevent transmission of germs and bacteria from other people.

Tooth brush
Toothbrushes used by more than one person are at risk of increasing disease transmission due to bacterial or viral infections. One of them is hepatitis C, due to toothbrush exposure to blood which contains the hepatitis C virus. If you forget to bring a toothbrush while staying overnight, try to buy a new one instead of borrowing someone else's.

Skin peeling and bleeding is a common risk that may occur when someone shaves their hair, hair or beard. That is why the shaver risks spreading certain diseases, such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, if used interchangeably with others.

Nail clipper
Walking barefoot in a public bathroom can pose a risk of nail fungus. Similarly, by using nail clippers alternately with other people who are first exposed to fungus. This fungus generally breeds in humid and warm environments.

Ringworm on the scalp and head lice is a disorder that is often experienced by children around the age of 3-11 years. Ringworm and lice can easily spread and spread through a comb that is used interchangeably. Likewise with the use of helmets and hats that are used by more than one person.

Infection in the external ear canal can be caused by wearing unclean earphones or frequently using it interchangeably. If not treated promptly, this infection can spread and cause ear pain, even hearing loss.

Makeup tools
Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis, can be transmitted easily through make-up tools that are used interchangeably. Even simple-looking habits, such as borrowing and using a friend's lip gloss, can increase your risk of contracting herpes labialis.
You are advised to reduce or avoid using make-up testers, such as mascara and lipstick on the lips. If you often use professional makeup services, ask if they use disposable makeup or always wash their makeup after applying one person.

If it is difficult not to share makeup, at least a broom with alcohol and discard the top layer, for example on a lipstick that someone else has just used to reduce risk. For eye pencils, look before being used again to prevent transmission of bacteria.

Always try to avoid exchanging personal objects that involve direct contact with skin and mucosa (such as mouth and eyes), including bar soap and drinking glasses or bottles. Conversely, if your items have already been loaned to a friend, try to wash clean with warm water to kill any germs that may be present.

Apparently, Tuna Fish Can Be Dangerous

Tuna is one type of fish consumption that has many health benefits for the body. However, behind the benefits of tuna there are other dangers that lurk if you consume too much. To find out more clearly the dangers of tuna, see the following explanation.

Tuna is a fish that has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. The content of omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna is clearly useful for human health. For example, to reduce triglyceride levels, control bad cholesterol in the blood, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are believed to be able to prevent the formation of plaque deposits in blood vessel walls and reduce inflammation throughout the body. Although tuna is healthy, if consumed in excess can actually pose a threat to your health.

Danger of Tuna for Health
According to research on several types of fish conducted in America, tuna is included in the category of fish with a high mercury content. Eating fish with high mercury content can cause health problems if not careful in the processing process.

In the body, mercury will be a poison that can interfere with the work of the brain and nervous system, and pose other threats to health.

Moreover, if consumed by children, mercury will affect the development of the child's brain and cause learning disorders and growth and development delays. Meanwhile, the consumption of mercury in pregnant women will cause fetuses to experience growth and development, brain paralysis, and nerve damage that causes blindness.

In adults, high enough mercury consumption can affect blood pressure. Someone who experiences mercury poisoning will usually show symptoms in the form of visual disturbances, insomnia, muscle weakness, tingling or numbness, difficulty speaking, tremors, headaches, and memory disorders.

Consumption of Tuna Wisely
Don't worry first about the mercury content in tuna. This fish is still relatively safe, as long as you consume it wisely and know which types of tuna are safe for consumption.

Not all tuna have high mercury content. Body size and type of tuna can affect the amount of mercury. For example, white tuna or albakora can contain higher mercury than other types of tuna. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women, and women who are in the pregnancy program are advised to be more careful in consuming this type of tuna, because it can harm the nerve development of the fetus or baby.

But if you choose to eat white tuna or albakora, it is recommended to pay attention to the dose. Not recommended to consume fresh white tuna more than 150 grams per month. As for canned white tuna, not recommended more than 300 grams in a week.

For those of you who are pregnant and want to consume fish with high omega-3 content, you can choose other types of fish, such as catfish, salmon, anchovies, and sardines. This type of fish is safe for consumption and has a low mercury content. Even so, you should still limit the consumption of these types of fish and not consume more than 150 grams in a week.

As for children, you can still give them tuna, but still pay attention to the dose. Children aged 7 years and under are not recommended to consume tuna more than 50 grams per week. Whereas children aged 8 years and over are not recommended to consume tuna more than 75 grams per week.

Although tuna is a healthy food that is rich in omega-3, children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and women who are planning to become pregnant are encouraged to be more careful in consuming tuna. To find out more precisely how much tuna you are still safe to consume, you should consult a doctor.

Want to Improve Brain Performance? Try Eating These 6 Foods

The brain is a part of the body that is the center of the nervous system and has a complex network Like a car that requires high octane fuel to produce combustion, the brain also needs food to be more focused and work optimally.

Then, how to improve intelligence and brain performance? The following are six types of food that can optimize this:

1. Salmon
Our brain consists of 60 percent fat. Omega 3 is one of the fats that is most needed as a constituent of brain cells. One type of omega-3 that the brain needs is DHA.
Salmon is known to contain high enough DHA which helps form a protective layer around neurons. The better the quality of the layers, the greater the brain's power to work at full capacity. DHA deficiency will affect brain development, especially in children. Therefore, many baby formulas and supplements have begun to incorporate DHA into their products. In adults, a lack of DHA will cause less focus and more easily tired body.

2. Turmeric
This yellow spice turned out to have extraordinary benefits to the brain. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, an active ingredient that can improve memory, especially for people with Alzheimer's. Curcumin also contributes in helping the growth of new brain cells. If you want to get curcumin to improve brain health, start eating turmeric. Make turmeric as a spice when cooking or brew it into tea.

3. Broccoli
Broccoli contains a compound called sulforafan which is proven to be able to increase the survival of cells by reducing inflammation and increasing neurogeneration or production of new brain cells. This green vegetable also contains high fiber, vitamin K, and folate. Vitamin K has an important role in protecting brain cells, while folate is useful for detoxifying and reducing brain inflammation.

4. Blueberries
Blueberries are among the most beneficial fruits for maximizing health and brain performance. This fruit is high in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which help protect the brain from stress. The antioxidant content in blueberries can also help protect the brain from inflammation so that the brain can maintain healthy energy levels. In addition, this fruit is also low in calories and contains high manganese, vitamin C and vitamin K.

5. Eggs
Eggs contain high protein sources that are beneficial for brain health and extend brain life. The choline content in egg yolk is important for building the neurotransmitter aceticolin. This substance plays an important role in regulating mood, memory, and intelligence.

6. Bone Broth
Bone broth is usually made for soup or soup. Actually, consuming bone broth as a healing tonic to improve health is not new. Bone broth contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These substances can help heal the intestine, which is also referred to as the second brain. Research shows that there is a direct and indirect relationship between the intestine and the brain.

The intestine holds and stores many compounds that are involved with optimal brain performance. Therefore, maintaining intestinal health is very important for health and brain performance. It's best to choose high-quality organic bone broth for the best results.

Tips for Kids to Love Eating Vegetables and Fruits

Many mothers are overwhelmed when persuading their children to want to eat vegetables and fruits. In fact, if Mother knows how, it's not difficult to make children love eating vegetables and fruit.

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, fiber, water, and low in fat. Besides containing a variety of nutrients that are good for growing and developing children, both types of food are also very easy to find and can be processed in many ways. But unfortunately, many children who do not like to eat vegetables and fruit.

Tips for Children to Love Fruits and Vegetables
Tired of cooking vegetables, eh, not touched at all by Little. Already shopping various types of fruit, not even tasted. Wow, if this is the case, Mother will be dizzy, right?

In fact, fruits and vegetables must be in every child's diet. Apart from being healthy, fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and vitamins can also prevent children from constipation and obesity, and prevent children from various chronic diseases when they are adults, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Then, how do you make Little One like to eat fruits and vegetables?

1. Invite shopping together
If all this time Mother only taught Little One about the names of fruits and vegetables through pictures, try to increase their interest by showing authentic fruits and vegetables. The trick, take your child when Mother shopping at the market or supermarket.

There, introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables to him. Ask your child to hold it directly while remembering the names, then give an explanation that by diligently eating the fruits and vegetables, he will quickly grow big, strong, and healthy.

By increasing Little's interest in vegetables and fruit, Mother is one step closer to the goal, which is to make him love to eat vegetables and fruit.

2. Don't force it
Teach your child to like to eat vegetables and fruit not by force it, Bun. If forced, Little can actually hate vegetables and fruits more, and be traumatized when eating.

Therefore, Mother must introduce fruits and vegetables in a creative way, for example by inviting her to make fruit soup, fruit satay, or a sandwich with fresh vegetables.

Make an interesting food menu for him. If your child likes pizza, create a pizza with a variety of vegetables or fruit. Don't forget to tell him that the fruits and vegetables on the pizza are very good for his health.

3. Include fruit and vegetables as a snack
Another trick to make children love to eat vegetables and fruit is to make it a snack. In the beginning, choose fruit that tastes sweet, like apples, pears, watermelons, or bananas. If your child is getting used to, introduce other fruits gradually, and occasionally interspersed with snacks from vegetables.

In addition to filling, snacks from fruits and vegetables are also healthy. However, do not forget to wash it first until it is completely clean before giving it to Little One, Bun.

4. Be an example
If you want your little one to eat fruits and vegetables, then Mother, Father, and family members at home should also give an example. Get used to eating fruits and vegetables and not picking out food, especially when eating with your little one.

It would be very difficult to make Little One like to eat vegetables and fruit if Mother herself did not like it.

5. Recommend repeatedly
If your child refuses the fruits and vegetables that you gave, do not be disappointed and discouraged, Bun. This is reasonable, really. Do not immediately conclude that Little is not fond of vegetables and fruit. Mother must be patient to introduce fruits and vegetables to the Little One repeatedly.

Try some of the tips above so that children love to eat vegetables and fruit. When you just start, it might feel difficult and sometimes annoying. However, don't give up quickly, Mother. Do it consistently, and create a pleasant atmosphere when giving vegetables and fruit to children.

If your child still does not want to eat fruits and vegetables to affect growth or health, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to get the right treatment.

This is a Variety of Healthy Foods for the Heart

Eating healthy food for the heart and living a healthy lifestyle can make you avoid the risk of heart disease and reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

In addition to eating healthy foods for the heart, no less important is to avoid fast food and fast paced. Fast food that is rich in bad cholesterol can increase the risk of blocked blood vessels that can lead to heart attacks.

To avoid the risk of heart disease, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy foods, regular exercise, and not smoking. This can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 82 percent. People aged 70-90 years who used to live healthy can also reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 66 percent.

Healthy Food Group
One healthy lifestyle that you can live is eating healthy foods for the heart. So, what are the intended foods?

To nourish the heart and help it work strong, phytonutrient compounds found in vegetables and fruit can be beneficial. This compound helps protect plants from germs, fungi, and pest. As for humans, this compound can help the body work properly.

Here are some foods that contain phytonutrients.

Expand to eat beans, such as kidney beans, up to three cups a week. Besides being rich in phytonutrients that are good for the heart, nuts are also rich in fiber and water which makes you fill up quickly. This can prevent you from consuming more calories. In addition, nuts are also rich in antioxidants which play a role in preventing cell damage due to exposure to free radicals as a cause of cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's.
Whole grains
Eating whole grains such as wheat, brown rice or corn as the main source of carbohydrates, can reduce the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and obesity. This is because these grains contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, and minerals. The minerals in question are iron, zinc, and magnesium.
Consuming 1-2 apples per day is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. Apples effectively reduce bad cholesterol in the body and help regulate blood sugar. This is because in addition to containing phytonutrients, apples also contain other compounds that are good for the heart, namely epicatechin. This substance is a compound that is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce blood pressure.
Garlic is known to not affect blood pressure, so it can be consumed frequently. Garlic can also replace salt to add a savory taste to food. This is good for heart health, because the more salt consumption the higher the risk of developing high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
The benefits of grapes are thought to potentially prevent heart disease and hypertension or high blood pressure. This is because grapes contain fiber and flavonoids that are good for preventing heart damage.
Various kinds of berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries can be used as a healthy snack. Berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants thought to be able to reduce the chances of a heart attack. In addition, the sweet taste in berries does not trigger diabetes. However, research on the effects of berries in protecting heart health still needs to be studied further.
Green tea
Based on the results of the study, those who drank more than five cups of green tea a day had about 25 percent lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes. However, be careful when consuming green tea. Drinking more than five cups of green tea every day can increase your risk of developing kidney stone disease. Therefore, if you consume lots of green tea, also increase the consumption of water to avoid dehydration and to keep the urinary system smooth.

In addition to eating healthy foods for the heart, you should limit salt intake to no more than 5-6 grams per day, equivalent to 2000-2400 mg of sodium (sodium) per day. Whereas for people who have a risk of heart disease, maximum sodium consumption is 1,500 mg. You also need to exercise regularly and avoid smoking so that the body is healthy and the heart is always pumping blood properly throughout the body properly.

Extract the Benefits of Protein from This Various Foods

There are a variety of important and vital benefits of protein for the body, from helping the immune system, to being a material for the formation of cells and body tissues. Knowing the right source of protein will help us get these benefits.

Protein is a macronutrient that the body needs in large quantities. Protein consists of a number of amino acids needed for the body to function properly. Amino acids can be grouped into two main types, namely essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids. Referred to as nonessential amino acids because they can be made by the body. In contrast, essential amino acids are amino acids that are not produced by the body and must be obtained from food. There are also groups of amino acids called conditional amino acids, which are types of amino acids that are needed at certain times, such as when you are sick or under stress.

Benefits of Protein
Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many benefits of protein for the body:

Required in the formation of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Building, strengthening, a
nd repairing or replacing body tissues. For example, keratin which strengthens hair, and collagen and elastin which support connective tissue and skin.
Helps the body feel full longer. Therefore, consumption of high protein foods can be one way to slim down.
Making hormones that function helps cells send messages and coordinate the functions of cells and organs in the body.
Making antibodies for the immune system.
It is important for the growth and development of children, adolescents, to pregnant women and their fetuses.
Involved in muscle contractions and movements, for example actin and myosin proteins.
Making enzymes that function to facilitate the biochemical reactions and metabolism of the body.
Transporting cells or substances, for example hemoglobin which carries oxygen through the blood throughout the body.
Sources of Protein

To get the maximum benefits of protein, it would be better if the source comes from:

Seafood or seafood
Seafood has a high protein content, and is usually low in fat. Some types of seafood, such as salmon, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for heart health.
Milk, cheese, yogurt
Besides being a good source of protein, milk and dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D which function to maintain bone and tooth strength, and prevent osteoporosis.
It is recommended to choose white meat (chicken, fish) without skin, rather than red meat (beef, goat). This is because red meat contains more fat.
Food ingredients that are affordable and nutritious. Not only high in protein, chicken eggs also contain B vitamins, folate, selenium, and choline.
Besides being nutritious, nuts are also rich in fiber which can make us feel full longer. Soybeans are good for the heart because they can help reduce cholesterol.
Protein from animal sources is called complete protein because it contains nine essential amino acids. While vegetable protein is considered incomplete because it does not have one or more essential amino acids.

Recommended Daily Protein Intake
Daily protein needs of each person depend on gender, age, weight, activity, and general health conditions. Recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. So for people who have a body weight of 70 kg, the daily protein requirement is 56 grams. For patients with kidney failure, the intake of certain nutrients, including protein, needs to be reduced. The aim is to reduce the workload of the kidneys.

If the lack of protein, the body will lose weight due to reduced muscle mass (shrinking muscles), often experience infections due to a weakened immune system, muscle fatigue, swelling in the body, a disturbance in cell growth, hair loss, diarrhea, fatty liver, anemia, to experience the condition of protein energy malnutrition, such as kwashiorkor and marasmus.

Given the many benefits of protein for the body, it is recommended to eat foods with high protein content, as needed. To find out more choices of food sources of protein that fit your body's condition, you can consult with a clinical nutrition specialist.

Healty Food Conqueror Foods For High Blood Pressure

Maintaining and limiting salt intake is one important step to prevent and treat high blood pressure. But this is not the only thing we can do to keep blood pressure healthy. Apply healthy eating patterns or hypertension foods, or prevent hypertension conditions.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that appears secretly. It's hard to know someone has hypertension, without measuring blood pressure.

Understanding the Categories of Hypertension
To find out someone has hypertension, pay attention to the results of blood pressure measurements. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. The first number from the measurement result is systolic blood pressure, then the next number is diastolic pressure.

When the results of blood pressure measurements exceed the normal range, they can be divided into the following categories:

Blood pressure ranges from 120-139 for systolic numbers or 80-89 for diastolic pressure.
Stage hypertension 1. If your systolic pressure is 140-159 or diastolic pressure 90-99.
Stage 2. hypertension When systolic pressure is 160 or higher or diastolic pressure is 100 or higher.
Recognizing Foods that Trigger Hypertension
Some people are not aware of what they eat every day, let alone its contents. For those of you who want to keep your blood pressure in the normal range, you can start the habit of looking at food intake and its contents.

Hypertension foods should not include foods containing high sodium or sodium. The less sodium you consume, the more controlled your blood pressure. High-sodium foods include canned packaged foods, processed foods, and prepared foods.

In contrast to consuming lots of foods that contain potassium (potassium), magnesium, and fiber to help control blood pressure. If necessary, keep a diary to measure the portion of salt in the food you consume. If you eat packaged food, read the label.

You can make changes gradually, for example limiting sodium intake to about one teaspoon per day. When the body has adapted, reduce it again to about 2/3 the teaspoons per day. To add flavor and aroma to food, you can use low-sodium spices such as various other natural herbs or vinegar.

For more details, the following hypertension foods that should be avoided if you have high blood pressure:

Do you have a habit of drinking coffee? If you have high blood pressure, now is the time to get rid of this habit. Actually not only coffee. Tea and soda also increase blood pressure. All of these causes are the caffeine in these drinks.
Meat and processed foods
Both types of food are often processed by preserving using salt. Thus these foods become high in sodium which is dangerous for diabetics.
Pickled cucumbers are delicious on the tongue, but the process of making them requires salt so that cucumbers do not rot quickly. This is what makes you advised to avoid it so that blood pressure does not surge.
Canned Sauce
Tomato sauce, pasta sauce, and canned tomato juice in cans contain high sodium levels. In one cup these sauces contain more than 450 mg of sodium which has the potential to increase blood pressure.
Chicken skin and other fatty foods
Chicken skin and other fatty foods, such as red meat, fatty milk, and cheese, and butter, contain saturated fatty acids and trans fats. This type of fat can increase bad cholesterol, thus worsening your high blood pressure.

Implement a Healthy Diet
You should avoid hypertension foods and replace them with a healthy diet to keep blood pressure stable. The recommended diet for reducing high blood pressure is DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

There are four main principles of the DASH diet, namely:

Increase nutritional intake of whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts.
Also multiply the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
Reduce salt, sweet foods and drinks, and red meat.
Also reduce foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat.
Although there are no foods that can reduce high blood pressure quickly, several types of foods can help reduce slowly:

Low-fat milk and yogurt
Low-fat milk that is rich in calcium and low in fat, is a powerful blend of substances to help reduce high blood pressure. You can also use yogurt as a substitute, if you don't like milk.
This one fruit is to help lower blood pressure because it contains nitrates. In fact, research has proven that beet juice lowers blood pressure in just one day and night.
Wheat is one of the foods that can reduce blood pressure. Because, these foods contain low fat, high in fiber, and low in sodium (salt).
One of the benefits of bananas is that it is rich in good potassium to keep blood pressure stable. You can eat bananas just like that or mixed with oatmeal as a breakfast menu.
Choose fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon. Omega 3 fatty acids are what help reduce blood pressure


Various Ways to Relieve Stress at Work

Careers and jobs are an important part of life, but also often a source of stress. Understanding how to get rid of stress at work can help you be more calm and happy at work, while at the same time encouraging your work productivity.

Stress is a psychological reaction that arises because of pressure, threats, or changes in something. Stress can cause physical complaints, such as palpitations, difficulty concentrating, irritability, headaches, excessive sweating, disturbed menstrual cycles, or even thrush and itching.

Symptoms of stress on each person can be different. Can be mild and almost subtle, can also be severe and cause changes in behavior. If not immediately recognized and treated appropriately, stress can develop into more serious mental disorders.

Things That Can Cause Stress at Work
Before talking further about how to relieve stress at work, it helps you identify the causes of stress first. This is because moving away or controlling things that can cause stress can greatly help you avoid stress.

Common causes of stress at work are:

  • Long working hours
  • Office tasks that are too much or heavy
  • Changes in organizational structure
  • Short deadlines for assignments
  • Uncomfortable work environment
  • A monotonous and boring job
  • Lack of self ability in the field of work undertaken
  • Poor social relations with colleagues and superiors
  • Minimal work equipment
  • Low salary and financial problems

Tips for Overcoming Stress at Work
Basically, the source of stress is divided into two, namely problems that can be controlled and problems that cannot be controlled. Here's how to get rid of stress at work based on the type of problem:

Focus on problem solving
This strategy is used if the problems faced can still be controlled, such as deadline piling up, presentation in front of the leadership, differences of opinion with colleagues, low work productivity, or similar problems. To overcome this, you can do several things below:

Communicate the problem you face with the parties concerned or the authorities, such as leaders, coworkers, or HRD.
Too much perfectionist will increase your stress level. So, try to set realistic standards at work.
Even though all the tasks seem important, keep in order according to priority to help time management and make you more focused.
It's okay to feel annoyed or angry at the situation, but immediately return the focus of your mind to improve the situation.
Look for problem-solving options that are relevant and with the least risk.

Focus on yourself
This strategy is used if the problem you are facing is out of your control, such as scathing comments from your boss, your co-workers' opinions about you, busy working hours, and things you can't change. To overcome this, do the following:

  • Take time to rest, for example by walking into another room, chatting with colleagues, or doing relaxation on the sidelines of work.
  • Do a hobby or enjoy quality time with family or close friends on weekends.
  • Share the problem you are having with a partner or friend you can trust. That way, your burden will feel reduced.

If you still feel stressed despite applying various methods above to relieve stress at work, try consulting with a psychologist or psychiatrist. You will be helped to manage stress and overcome problems in the work environment in a more positive way.

Which is healthier? Drink warm water vs. cold water

Water gives us life, and we all certainly know how delicious it is to drink water to take off your thirst. However, what kind of temperature water is best for health? Ancient medicine systems such as Ayurveda originating in India more than 3.00 years ago and Traditional Chinese medicine highlighted the importance of water temperature and its impact on the body. So, in other words, both have benefits, although this depends on a certain condition. Then, let's take a look at the various benefits below!

Benefits of drinking warm water

1. Helps smooth digestion
According to Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine, you have to drink a glass of warm water in the morning. This is because warm water can activate your digestive system, which certainly can help you to avoid indigestion. In addition, drinking warm water can also stimulate blood flow to the intestines and can help prevent constipation.

2. Remove toxins from the body
One of the benefits of drinking warm water is detoxification. Water helps rid the whole of impure substances in the body. In addition, the Doctor also suggests to add a little fresh lemon juice into warm water for better detoxification results. Lemons will stimulate digestion and remove toxins, while warm water does not require too much energy to assimilate. In addition, you can add other ingredients for the cleansing of toxins, such as honey, fresh mint, sliced cucumber, cinnamon, or sliced apples to keep your body hydrated and free from toxins.

3. Inhibiting Aging
Inhibiting aging is a tremendous benefit possessed by warm water. As already described, the warm water will remove toxins from the body, especially the toxins that can cause premature aging. Basically, it can also improve skin cells and improve skin elasticity.

4. Relieve nasal congestion
Not many people realize that warm water is very good for people who suffer from nasal congestion and cough with phlegm. It is caused by warm water that can act as a natural expectorant to help dilution of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

5. Blood circulation
In addition to detox, the subsequent benefits that are owned by warm water is to improve circulatory circulation. Drinking warm water can also remove the fat deposits in the nervous system.

6. Fight Pain
Because warm water can increase blood flow to the tissues of the body, then warm water can act very well as a natural aid to pain. Therefore, if you often experience joint pain or menstrual cramps, then you are strongly advised to drink warm water.

Benefits of drinking cold water

1. Hydrate your body after a workout
It is a fact to be known, that as long as we exercise, the body temperature will increase. To lower post-workout body temperature, you are strongly encouraged to drink cold water. Cold water will help your body to lower the core temperature of the body. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition found that participants who consumed cold water were able to keep their body's core temperature as much as 50% compared to the group drinking water with room temperature.

2. Lowering fever
Drinking cold water When you have a fever is one way to lower the body temperature. It is very important to keep the body fully hydrated during fever, as your body is working hard to resist the factors that cause fever. When you are overheating, drinking cold water can be the right help. You can also add some fresh lemon juice and salt to help you fill out the missing electrolyte.

3. Lose weight
Drinking cold water has been proven to increase metabolism and burn up to 70 calories per day. When a person who has a weight loss of 70 kg can burn 70 calories on foot for 15 minutes, then drinking cold water starts to sound like a very effective way to lose weight.

4. Fight Heat Strokes
Dr. Neha Sanwalka, a dietitian and dietician, said that drinking cold water during hot weather would be absorbed faster than warm water. When you return home from very hot weather or when you are experiencing heat strokes, you are obliged to drink cold water.

Which is better for health?
Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda do not recommend drinking cold water, because cold water can cause muscle contraction. On the other hand, drinking warm water can improve blood circulation while protecting internal organs from damage. This is why most health experts recommend to drink warm water. However, on a hot day, you can drink cold water to lower the body temperature.

4 ways to get rid of dandruff fast According to Experts

Dandruff is caused by a yeast on your scalp called malassezia, and while it kiiinda sounds gross, it’s actually on all scalps (with and without dandruff). Not everyone’s scalp responds to malassezia the same though, which is why some people have dandruff and others don’t. The biggest misconception surrounding dandruff is that it’s caused by dryness (aka dry scalp, another common condition that looks—and sometimes feels—pretty similar to dandruff). “People think dandruff is triggered by dry skin, but it’s actually due to excess oil on your scalp,” says Kingsley. In general, the more oily your scalp is, the more your malassezia yeast multiplies, which can eventually cause dandruff.

How do I get rid of dandruff fast?


Final Thoughts
I get it: Dandruff is an actual b*tch, but treating it doesn’t have to be. Before you start on your dandruff-fighting journey, it’s important to remember that there might not be a permanent fix—some people (and scalps) are just prone to it. “You can get rid of it and it may never come back, but the odds are that you might experience dandruff again at some point in time,” says Kingsley. As long as you’re keeping up with your anti-dandruff shampoo and scalp scrub, you should definitely notice a little—if not a lot of—relief.

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