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Want to Improve Brain Performance? Try Eating These 6 Foods

The brain is a part of the body that is the center of the nervous system and has a complex network Like a car that requires high octane fuel to produce combustion, the brain also needs food to be more focused and work optimally.

Then, how to improve intelligence and brain performance? The following are six types of food that can optimize this:

1. Salmon
Our brain consists of 60 percent fat. Omega 3 is one of the fats that is most needed as a constituent of brain cells. One type of omega-3 that the brain needs is DHA.
Salmon is known to contain high enough DHA which helps form a protective layer around neurons. The better the quality of the layers, the greater the brain's power to work at full capacity. DHA deficiency will affect brain development, especially in children. Therefore, many baby formulas and supplements have begun to incorporate DHA into their products. In adults, a lack of DHA will cause less focus and more easily tired body.

2. Turmeric
This yellow spice turned out to have extraordinary benefits to the brain. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, an active ingredient that can improve memory, especially for people with Alzheimer's. Curcumin also contributes in helping the growth of new brain cells. If you want to get curcumin to improve brain health, start eating turmeric. Make turmeric as a spice when cooking or brew it into tea.

3. Broccoli
Broccoli contains a compound called sulforafan which is proven to be able to increase the survival of cells by reducing inflammation and increasing neurogeneration or production of new brain cells. This green vegetable also contains high fiber, vitamin K, and folate. Vitamin K has an important role in protecting brain cells, while folate is useful for detoxifying and reducing brain inflammation.

4. Blueberries
Blueberries are among the most beneficial fruits for maximizing health and brain performance. This fruit is high in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which help protect the brain from stress. The antioxidant content in blueberries can also help protect the brain from inflammation so that the brain can maintain healthy energy levels. In addition, this fruit is also low in calories and contains high manganese, vitamin C and vitamin K.

5. Eggs
Eggs contain high protein sources that are beneficial for brain health and extend brain life. The choline content in egg yolk is important for building the neurotransmitter aceticolin. This substance plays an important role in regulating mood, memory, and intelligence.

6. Bone Broth
Bone broth is usually made for soup or soup. Actually, consuming bone broth as a healing tonic to improve health is not new. Bone broth contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These substances can help heal the intestine, which is also referred to as the second brain. Research shows that there is a direct and indirect relationship between the intestine and the brain.

The intestine holds and stores many compounds that are involved with optimal brain performance. Therefore, maintaining intestinal health is very important for health and brain performance. It's best to choose high-quality organic bone broth for the best results.

Tips for Kids to Love Eating Vegetables and Fruits

Many mothers are overwhelmed when persuading their children to want to eat vegetables and fruits. In fact, if Mother knows how, it's not difficult to make children love eating vegetables and fruit.

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, fiber, water, and low in fat. Besides containing a variety of nutrients that are good for growing and developing children, both types of food are also very easy to find and can be processed in many ways. But unfortunately, many children who do not like to eat vegetables and fruit.

Tips for Children to Love Fruits and Vegetables
Tired of cooking vegetables, eh, not touched at all by Little. Already shopping various types of fruit, not even tasted. Wow, if this is the case, Mother will be dizzy, right?

In fact, fruits and vegetables must be in every child's diet. Apart from being healthy, fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and vitamins can also prevent children from constipation and obesity, and prevent children from various chronic diseases when they are adults, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Then, how do you make Little One like to eat fruits and vegetables?

1. Invite shopping together
If all this time Mother only taught Little One about the names of fruits and vegetables through pictures, try to increase their interest by showing authentic fruits and vegetables. The trick, take your child when Mother shopping at the market or supermarket.

There, introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables to him. Ask your child to hold it directly while remembering the names, then give an explanation that by diligently eating the fruits and vegetables, he will quickly grow big, strong, and healthy.

By increasing Little's interest in vegetables and fruit, Mother is one step closer to the goal, which is to make him love to eat vegetables and fruit.

2. Don't force it
Teach your child to like to eat vegetables and fruit not by force it, Bun. If forced, Little can actually hate vegetables and fruits more, and be traumatized when eating.

Therefore, Mother must introduce fruits and vegetables in a creative way, for example by inviting her to make fruit soup, fruit satay, or a sandwich with fresh vegetables.

Make an interesting food menu for him. If your child likes pizza, create a pizza with a variety of vegetables or fruit. Don't forget to tell him that the fruits and vegetables on the pizza are very good for his health.

3. Include fruit and vegetables as a snack
Another trick to make children love to eat vegetables and fruit is to make it a snack. In the beginning, choose fruit that tastes sweet, like apples, pears, watermelons, or bananas. If your child is getting used to, introduce other fruits gradually, and occasionally interspersed with snacks from vegetables.

In addition to filling, snacks from fruits and vegetables are also healthy. However, do not forget to wash it first until it is completely clean before giving it to Little One, Bun.

4. Be an example
If you want your little one to eat fruits and vegetables, then Mother, Father, and family members at home should also give an example. Get used to eating fruits and vegetables and not picking out food, especially when eating with your little one.

It would be very difficult to make Little One like to eat vegetables and fruit if Mother herself did not like it.

5. Recommend repeatedly
If your child refuses the fruits and vegetables that you gave, do not be disappointed and discouraged, Bun. This is reasonable, really. Do not immediately conclude that Little is not fond of vegetables and fruit. Mother must be patient to introduce fruits and vegetables to the Little One repeatedly.

Try some of the tips above so that children love to eat vegetables and fruit. When you just start, it might feel difficult and sometimes annoying. However, don't give up quickly, Mother. Do it consistently, and create a pleasant atmosphere when giving vegetables and fruit to children.

If your child still does not want to eat fruits and vegetables to affect growth or health, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to get the right treatment.

This is a Variety of Healthy Foods for the Heart

Eating healthy food for the heart and living a healthy lifestyle can make you avoid the risk of heart disease and reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

In addition to eating healthy foods for the heart, no less important is to avoid fast food and fast paced. Fast food that is rich in bad cholesterol can increase the risk of blocked blood vessels that can lead to heart attacks.

To avoid the risk of heart disease, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy foods, regular exercise, and not smoking. This can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 82 percent. People aged 70-90 years who used to live healthy can also reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 66 percent.

Healthy Food Group
One healthy lifestyle that you can live is eating healthy foods for the heart. So, what are the intended foods?

To nourish the heart and help it work strong, phytonutrient compounds found in vegetables and fruit can be beneficial. This compound helps protect plants from germs, fungi, and pest. As for humans, this compound can help the body work properly.

Here are some foods that contain phytonutrients.

Expand to eat beans, such as kidney beans, up to three cups a week. Besides being rich in phytonutrients that are good for the heart, nuts are also rich in fiber and water which makes you fill up quickly. This can prevent you from consuming more calories. In addition, nuts are also rich in antioxidants which play a role in preventing cell damage due to exposure to free radicals as a cause of cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's.
Whole grains
Eating whole grains such as wheat, brown rice or corn as the main source of carbohydrates, can reduce the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and obesity. This is because these grains contain protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, and minerals. The minerals in question are iron, zinc, and magnesium.
Consuming 1-2 apples per day is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. Apples effectively reduce bad cholesterol in the body and help regulate blood sugar. This is because in addition to containing phytonutrients, apples also contain other compounds that are good for the heart, namely epicatechin. This substance is a compound that is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce blood pressure.
Garlic is known to not affect blood pressure, so it can be consumed frequently. Garlic can also replace salt to add a savory taste to food. This is good for heart health, because the more salt consumption the higher the risk of developing high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
The benefits of grapes are thought to potentially prevent heart disease and hypertension or high blood pressure. This is because grapes contain fiber and flavonoids that are good for preventing heart damage.
Various kinds of berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries can be used as a healthy snack. Berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants thought to be able to reduce the chances of a heart attack. In addition, the sweet taste in berries does not trigger diabetes. However, research on the effects of berries in protecting heart health still needs to be studied further.
Green tea
Based on the results of the study, those who drank more than five cups of green tea a day had about 25 percent lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes. However, be careful when consuming green tea. Drinking more than five cups of green tea every day can increase your risk of developing kidney stone disease. Therefore, if you consume lots of green tea, also increase the consumption of water to avoid dehydration and to keep the urinary system smooth.

In addition to eating healthy foods for the heart, you should limit salt intake to no more than 5-6 grams per day, equivalent to 2000-2400 mg of sodium (sodium) per day. Whereas for people who have a risk of heart disease, maximum sodium consumption is 1,500 mg. You also need to exercise regularly and avoid smoking so that the body is healthy and the heart is always pumping blood properly throughout the body properly.

Extract the Benefits of Protein from This Various Foods

There are a variety of important and vital benefits of protein for the body, from helping the immune system, to being a material for the formation of cells and body tissues. Knowing the right source of protein will help us get these benefits.

Protein is a macronutrient that the body needs in large quantities. Protein consists of a number of amino acids needed for the body to function properly. Amino acids can be grouped into two main types, namely essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids. Referred to as nonessential amino acids because they can be made by the body. In contrast, essential amino acids are amino acids that are not produced by the body and must be obtained from food. There are also groups of amino acids called conditional amino acids, which are types of amino acids that are needed at certain times, such as when you are sick or under stress.

Benefits of Protein
Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many benefits of protein for the body:

Required in the formation of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Building, strengthening, a
nd repairing or replacing body tissues. For example, keratin which strengthens hair, and collagen and elastin which support connective tissue and skin.
Helps the body feel full longer. Therefore, consumption of high protein foods can be one way to slim down.
Making hormones that function helps cells send messages and coordinate the functions of cells and organs in the body.
Making antibodies for the immune system.
It is important for the growth and development of children, adolescents, to pregnant women and their fetuses.
Involved in muscle contractions and movements, for example actin and myosin proteins.
Making enzymes that function to facilitate the biochemical reactions and metabolism of the body.
Transporting cells or substances, for example hemoglobin which carries oxygen through the blood throughout the body.
Sources of Protein

To get the maximum benefits of protein, it would be better if the source comes from:

Seafood or seafood
Seafood has a high protein content, and is usually low in fat. Some types of seafood, such as salmon, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for heart health.
Milk, cheese, yogurt
Besides being a good source of protein, milk and dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D which function to maintain bone and tooth strength, and prevent osteoporosis.
It is recommended to choose white meat (chicken, fish) without skin, rather than red meat (beef, goat). This is because red meat contains more fat.
Food ingredients that are affordable and nutritious. Not only high in protein, chicken eggs also contain B vitamins, folate, selenium, and choline.
Besides being nutritious, nuts are also rich in fiber which can make us feel full longer. Soybeans are good for the heart because they can help reduce cholesterol.
Protein from animal sources is called complete protein because it contains nine essential amino acids. While vegetable protein is considered incomplete because it does not have one or more essential amino acids.

Recommended Daily Protein Intake
Daily protein needs of each person depend on gender, age, weight, activity, and general health conditions. Recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. So for people who have a body weight of 70 kg, the daily protein requirement is 56 grams. For patients with kidney failure, the intake of certain nutrients, including protein, needs to be reduced. The aim is to reduce the workload of the kidneys.

If the lack of protein, the body will lose weight due to reduced muscle mass (shrinking muscles), often experience infections due to a weakened immune system, muscle fatigue, swelling in the body, a disturbance in cell growth, hair loss, diarrhea, fatty liver, anemia, to experience the condition of protein energy malnutrition, such as kwashiorkor and marasmus.

Given the many benefits of protein for the body, it is recommended to eat foods with high protein content, as needed. To find out more choices of food sources of protein that fit your body's condition, you can consult with a clinical nutrition specialist.

Healty Food Conqueror Foods For High Blood Pressure

Maintaining and limiting salt intake is one important step to prevent and treat high blood pressure. But this is not the only thing we can do to keep blood pressure healthy. Apply healthy eating patterns or hypertension foods, or prevent hypertension conditions.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that appears secretly. It's hard to know someone has hypertension, without measuring blood pressure.

Understanding the Categories of Hypertension
To find out someone has hypertension, pay attention to the results of blood pressure measurements. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. The first number from the measurement result is systolic blood pressure, then the next number is diastolic pressure.

When the results of blood pressure measurements exceed the normal range, they can be divided into the following categories:

Blood pressure ranges from 120-139 for systolic numbers or 80-89 for diastolic pressure.
Stage hypertension 1. If your systolic pressure is 140-159 or diastolic pressure 90-99.
Stage 2. hypertension When systolic pressure is 160 or higher or diastolic pressure is 100 or higher.
Recognizing Foods that Trigger Hypertension
Some people are not aware of what they eat every day, let alone its contents. For those of you who want to keep your blood pressure in the normal range, you can start the habit of looking at food intake and its contents.

Hypertension foods should not include foods containing high sodium or sodium. The less sodium you consume, the more controlled your blood pressure. High-sodium foods include canned packaged foods, processed foods, and prepared foods.

In contrast to consuming lots of foods that contain potassium (potassium), magnesium, and fiber to help control blood pressure. If necessary, keep a diary to measure the portion of salt in the food you consume. If you eat packaged food, read the label.

You can make changes gradually, for example limiting sodium intake to about one teaspoon per day. When the body has adapted, reduce it again to about 2/3 the teaspoons per day. To add flavor and aroma to food, you can use low-sodium spices such as various other natural herbs or vinegar.

For more details, the following hypertension foods that should be avoided if you have high blood pressure:

Do you have a habit of drinking coffee? If you have high blood pressure, now is the time to get rid of this habit. Actually not only coffee. Tea and soda also increase blood pressure. All of these causes are the caffeine in these drinks.
Meat and processed foods
Both types of food are often processed by preserving using salt. Thus these foods become high in sodium which is dangerous for diabetics.
Pickled cucumbers are delicious on the tongue, but the process of making them requires salt so that cucumbers do not rot quickly. This is what makes you advised to avoid it so that blood pressure does not surge.
Canned Sauce
Tomato sauce, pasta sauce, and canned tomato juice in cans contain high sodium levels. In one cup these sauces contain more than 450 mg of sodium which has the potential to increase blood pressure.
Chicken skin and other fatty foods
Chicken skin and other fatty foods, such as red meat, fatty milk, and cheese, and butter, contain saturated fatty acids and trans fats. This type of fat can increase bad cholesterol, thus worsening your high blood pressure.

Implement a Healthy Diet
You should avoid hypertension foods and replace them with a healthy diet to keep blood pressure stable. The recommended diet for reducing high blood pressure is DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

There are four main principles of the DASH diet, namely:

Increase nutritional intake of whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts.
Also multiply the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
Reduce salt, sweet foods and drinks, and red meat.
Also reduce foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat.
Although there are no foods that can reduce high blood pressure quickly, several types of foods can help reduce slowly:

Low-fat milk and yogurt
Low-fat milk that is rich in calcium and low in fat, is a powerful blend of substances to help reduce high blood pressure. You can also use yogurt as a substitute, if you don't like milk.
This one fruit is to help lower blood pressure because it contains nitrates. In fact, research has proven that beet juice lowers blood pressure in just one day and night.
Wheat is one of the foods that can reduce blood pressure. Because, these foods contain low fat, high in fiber, and low in sodium (salt).
One of the benefits of bananas is that it is rich in good potassium to keep blood pressure stable. You can eat bananas just like that or mixed with oatmeal as a breakfast menu.
Choose fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon. Omega 3 fatty acids are what help reduce blood pressure


Various Ways to Relieve Stress at Work

Careers and jobs are an important part of life, but also often a source of stress. Understanding how to get rid of stress at work can help you be more calm and happy at work, while at the same time encouraging your work productivity.

Stress is a psychological reaction that arises because of pressure, threats, or changes in something. Stress can cause physical complaints, such as palpitations, difficulty concentrating, irritability, headaches, excessive sweating, disturbed menstrual cycles, or even thrush and itching.

Symptoms of stress on each person can be different. Can be mild and almost subtle, can also be severe and cause changes in behavior. If not immediately recognized and treated appropriately, stress can develop into more serious mental disorders.

Things That Can Cause Stress at Work
Before talking further about how to relieve stress at work, it helps you identify the causes of stress first. This is because moving away or controlling things that can cause stress can greatly help you avoid stress.

Common causes of stress at work are:

  • Long working hours
  • Office tasks that are too much or heavy
  • Changes in organizational structure
  • Short deadlines for assignments
  • Uncomfortable work environment
  • A monotonous and boring job
  • Lack of self ability in the field of work undertaken
  • Poor social relations with colleagues and superiors
  • Minimal work equipment
  • Low salary and financial problems

Tips for Overcoming Stress at Work
Basically, the source of stress is divided into two, namely problems that can be controlled and problems that cannot be controlled. Here's how to get rid of stress at work based on the type of problem:

Focus on problem solving
This strategy is used if the problems faced can still be controlled, such as deadline piling up, presentation in front of the leadership, differences of opinion with colleagues, low work productivity, or similar problems. To overcome this, you can do several things below:

Communicate the problem you face with the parties concerned or the authorities, such as leaders, coworkers, or HRD.
Too much perfectionist will increase your stress level. So, try to set realistic standards at work.
Even though all the tasks seem important, keep in order according to priority to help time management and make you more focused.
It's okay to feel annoyed or angry at the situation, but immediately return the focus of your mind to improve the situation.
Look for problem-solving options that are relevant and with the least risk.

Focus on yourself
This strategy is used if the problem you are facing is out of your control, such as scathing comments from your boss, your co-workers' opinions about you, busy working hours, and things you can't change. To overcome this, do the following:

  • Take time to rest, for example by walking into another room, chatting with colleagues, or doing relaxation on the sidelines of work.
  • Do a hobby or enjoy quality time with family or close friends on weekends.
  • Share the problem you are having with a partner or friend you can trust. That way, your burden will feel reduced.

If you still feel stressed despite applying various methods above to relieve stress at work, try consulting with a psychologist or psychiatrist. You will be helped to manage stress and overcome problems in the work environment in a more positive way.

Which is healthier? Drink warm water vs. cold water

Water gives us life, and we all certainly know how delicious it is to drink water to take off your thirst. However, what kind of temperature water is best for health? Ancient medicine systems such as Ayurveda originating in India more than 3.00 years ago and Traditional Chinese medicine highlighted the importance of water temperature and its impact on the body. So, in other words, both have benefits, although this depends on a certain condition. Then, let's take a look at the various benefits below!

Benefits of drinking warm water

1. Helps smooth digestion
According to Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine, you have to drink a glass of warm water in the morning. This is because warm water can activate your digestive system, which certainly can help you to avoid indigestion. In addition, drinking warm water can also stimulate blood flow to the intestines and can help prevent constipation.

2. Remove toxins from the body
One of the benefits of drinking warm water is detoxification. Water helps rid the whole of impure substances in the body. In addition, the Doctor also suggests to add a little fresh lemon juice into warm water for better detoxification results. Lemons will stimulate digestion and remove toxins, while warm water does not require too much energy to assimilate. In addition, you can add other ingredients for the cleansing of toxins, such as honey, fresh mint, sliced cucumber, cinnamon, or sliced apples to keep your body hydrated and free from toxins.

3. Inhibiting Aging
Inhibiting aging is a tremendous benefit possessed by warm water. As already described, the warm water will remove toxins from the body, especially the toxins that can cause premature aging. Basically, it can also improve skin cells and improve skin elasticity.

4. Relieve nasal congestion
Not many people realize that warm water is very good for people who suffer from nasal congestion and cough with phlegm. It is caused by warm water that can act as a natural expectorant to help dilution of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

5. Blood circulation
In addition to detox, the subsequent benefits that are owned by warm water is to improve circulatory circulation. Drinking warm water can also remove the fat deposits in the nervous system.

6. Fight Pain
Because warm water can increase blood flow to the tissues of the body, then warm water can act very well as a natural aid to pain. Therefore, if you often experience joint pain or menstrual cramps, then you are strongly advised to drink warm water.

Benefits of drinking cold water

1. Hydrate your body after a workout
It is a fact to be known, that as long as we exercise, the body temperature will increase. To lower post-workout body temperature, you are strongly encouraged to drink cold water. Cold water will help your body to lower the core temperature of the body. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition found that participants who consumed cold water were able to keep their body's core temperature as much as 50% compared to the group drinking water with room temperature.

2. Lowering fever
Drinking cold water When you have a fever is one way to lower the body temperature. It is very important to keep the body fully hydrated during fever, as your body is working hard to resist the factors that cause fever. When you are overheating, drinking cold water can be the right help. You can also add some fresh lemon juice and salt to help you fill out the missing electrolyte.

3. Lose weight
Drinking cold water has been proven to increase metabolism and burn up to 70 calories per day. When a person who has a weight loss of 70 kg can burn 70 calories on foot for 15 minutes, then drinking cold water starts to sound like a very effective way to lose weight.

4. Fight Heat Strokes
Dr. Neha Sanwalka, a dietitian and dietician, said that drinking cold water during hot weather would be absorbed faster than warm water. When you return home from very hot weather or when you are experiencing heat strokes, you are obliged to drink cold water.

Which is better for health?
Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda do not recommend drinking cold water, because cold water can cause muscle contraction. On the other hand, drinking warm water can improve blood circulation while protecting internal organs from damage. This is why most health experts recommend to drink warm water. However, on a hot day, you can drink cold water to lower the body temperature.

4 ways to get rid of dandruff fast According to Experts

Dandruff is caused by a yeast on your scalp called malassezia, and while it kiiinda sounds gross, it’s actually on all scalps (with and without dandruff). Not everyone’s scalp responds to malassezia the same though, which is why some people have dandruff and others don’t. The biggest misconception surrounding dandruff is that it’s caused by dryness (aka dry scalp, another common condition that looks—and sometimes feels—pretty similar to dandruff). “People think dandruff is triggered by dry skin, but it’s actually due to excess oil on your scalp,” says Kingsley. In general, the more oily your scalp is, the more your malassezia yeast multiplies, which can eventually cause dandruff.

How do I get rid of dandruff fast?


Final Thoughts
I get it: Dandruff is an actual b*tch, but treating it doesn’t have to be. Before you start on your dandruff-fighting journey, it’s important to remember that there might not be a permanent fix—some people (and scalps) are just prone to it. “You can get rid of it and it may never come back, but the odds are that you might experience dandruff again at some point in time,” says Kingsley. As long as you’re keeping up with your anti-dandruff shampoo and scalp scrub, you should definitely notice a little—if not a lot of—relief.

Read More : Visit Link

Is it true that the baby in the womb can already cry?

In the womb, babies are not only able to hear and respond to sounds, but are also believed to be able to cry. Is that true? Check out the answer here, let's!

Information circulating about babies being able to cry from the womb was not only a figment, you know, Bun. There are several studies that have shown this. Through ultrasound examination in the study, the fetus was seen to be crying.

The Facts Behind a Baby Cry when In the Womb
According to research, babies can cry at the age of 28 weeks. However, that does not mean crying can be heard, Bun. Fetal cries can only be seen from the gestures and facial expressions.

The movements that are recorded by ultrasound and are a sign of a crying baby are its mouth open, its tongue dropped, its chin trembling, and its breathing irregular.

The variety of facial expressions of the Little One, including crying, can indeed be seen when Mother conducts an ultrasound examination of pregnancy. This facial expression will be more varied when the age of your mother's womb is getting bigger.

The reason babies cry when in the womb
Well, Mother was curious, what made the fetus cry in the womb? Researchers believe that the fetus cries not because it hurts, but in response when shocked by sudden changes, such as loud noises.

In addition, another unique fact that you need to know is that the baby's crying while in the womb can be a sign that he is growing healthy. More and more facial expressions are displayed in the womb, including crying, meaning that the baby is growing and ready to live outside the womb.

So, you don't need to worry if you look at your child's facial expressions like crying during an ultrasound examination. This is normal, Bun. During Mother routinely check the content to the doctor, the health of your child in the womb can be monitored properly.

10 messy bun hairstyles for long hair

messy bun hairstyles for long hair

2. Textured low bun for Bridesmaid

3. A Romantic Cute Messy Bun

4. Low Hair Bun

5. Messy Bun With A twist

6. Messy Bun Long Hair

7. A unique Messy Bun

8.Braid Twisty Bun

9. Braid Styles Messy Bun

✨Quick Full Volume Messy Bun✨ Don’t we all love our messy buns, they are comfy and can look super glamorous too. There is a bun for every occasion๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿ…ข๐Ÿ…ฃ๐Ÿ…”๐Ÿ…Ÿ๐Ÿ…ข 1- Back comb your hair in big sections using a paddle brush. This will add subtle volume in your hair all over 2- Take a puff, twist it a couple of times and secure at the back 3- Using your fingers. Take all your hair into a high ponytail and start twisting it around forming a bun 4- Use a cotton rubber band and secure it. Make sure to pull on it to open it up and make it look voluminous all over✨ . . . . #messybun #hairdo #hairtutorial #hairvideo #hairinspo #hairideas #hairfashion #hair #hairlove #videohair #haironfleek #indianblogger #hairblogger #hairhacks #hairvideos #hairtutorialvideo #haircare #naturalhair #beauty
Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Shalini Samuel (@knot_me_pretty) pada

10. messy bun with side braid

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh A B O U T F A C E (@aboutface01) pada